Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Common Mistakes with a Will

When making a Will, people often don't realize that some of their most important assets, like life insurance and retirement accounts, will not pass under the terms of the Will. Instead, they will pass in accordance with "Designated Beneficiary" forms. After you make a change to your Will, especially if you plan to set up trusts for minor children in your will, you need to make sure that your designated beneficiary forms are changed to name the trusts, and not your children, as the beneficiaries. At Laidlaw Firm, LLC, we work with clients to assist not only with preparing Wills, but making sure that designated beneficiaries of the non-probate assets (i.e., the assets that won't pass under the Will), match the terms of the Will. Call or email today for help: 914-767-0646; mlaidlaw@laidlawfirm.com

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